Why Mugs For Church Outreach

At JoyfulWraps we believe, Spreading warmth and inspiration one mug, one organization at a time can ultimately change the world’s perspective to be more joyful and hopeful.

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Using Mugs To Remind Visitors And Outreach Participants About Your Church

If you’re a pastor, youth group leader, or anyone else regularly involved in the church setting, you are likely aware that church attendance over the last two decades has been plummeting. You know just how important your church is, but getting other people to recognize your vital role in the community can be difficult at times. For many attendees, a large part of the church is the community that it provides. A strong church membership with new and ongoing members will only make that community stronger. You need to start turning your visitors into full time members. Read on to learn how promotional mugs can help you with this tedious task and your outreach in the community.


1. Turning The Visitor Into A Member

From time to time you come across unrecognizable faces at your regular Sunday service. Oftentimes, these individuals are visitors who are searching for the perfect church to call home. Don’t let your visitors slip away because they don’t feel welcome.

A small gift such as a mug can go a long way in welcoming new members. If you have the finances, consider including a mug as a part of a welcome basket for potential new members.

When ordering your giveaways, make sure to include your church’s name, logo, and contact information for potential members to stay in touch.

2. Community Involvement

Community involvement is important for every church to thrive. With a plethora of churches available in almost every city, it’s unlikely you will be able to attract members by simply opening your doors on Sunday mornings. Whether you’re just walking around the community or heavily involved in a service project, ceramic mugs can be a great promotional tool for community outreach.

Ceramic mugs are relatively inexpensive and will never go out of style. That mug that you gave away in the 1990s could still be sitting in someone’s kitchen cupboard today. When you order your mugs in bulk you can save money and use leftover mugs for future events.

3. Accomplishing Your Mission

It’s likely that your church is concerned about much more than membership. Whether your mission is to make your church a place for everyone or to help people take their next steps with Jesus, you need to promote awareness of your mission to your members and members of the community at large.

If you’re hosting a fundraising event in support of your mission consider handing out mugs with your mission displayed front and center. People regularly use coffee mugs and will constantly be reminded and inclined to be involved with your mission.

4. Why The Mug?

There are many promotional gifts available on the market. While some are better choices than others, it seems that the mug is a winner when it comes to usability. Almost every household has a collection of mugs for coffee, tea, or even hot chocolate. While the usability of mugs might not seem important, it’s a huge deal!

If you give your potential a plastic trinket such as a keychain or toy it’s likely that the item will end up in the back of the closet or getting dropped off at the local thrift store. A mug will go right into the cupboard where it will get used over and over again by the members and their guests. When you give mugs, with a message your church members and community recipients will constantly be reminded of your mission.

While a ceramic mug might not instantly cause someone to choose a life filled with Christ, they do make excellent conversation starters. Maybe that ceramic mug with your logo that a member pulls out of the cupboard for their guest will be just what they need to start a conversation about living a life centered around Christ. In turn, this conversation might help you gain new members and aid in your church’s mission.

5. Ordering Your Mugs

It’s important to consider what you want displayed on your mug before making a purchase. Are you hoping to spread the word of your mission? Maybe you want to work on membership retention? Whatever your reason for using promotional mugs, the way in which you use the mug should be taken into consideration during the designing process.

If you’re planning to host or attend a large event, make sure to order your mugs well in advance. Ordering your mugs in advance ensures that your mugs will arrive on time even if there are shipping delays. If you receive your mugs prior to your event you will have time to inspect each mug to ensure that they are in perfect condition for your big day.

At JoyfulWraps we believe spreading warmth and inspiration one mug, one organization at a time can ultimately change the world’s perspective to be more joyful and hopeful.

Whatever your mission or goal, JoyfulWraps is here to assist you and provide your members and community with mugs that wrap them in joy and inspiration. We have a variety of faith-related mugs that are ready to ship today and are also happy to accommodate most custom orders.

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